Window Cleaning During Construction
Should You Get Your Windows Cleaned During Construction?
Building, upgrading, and renovating all involve messy processes. In most cases, windows suffer from it. All of that dirt, grime, and other debris gets kicked up, and much of it clings to your windows. But is window cleaning during construction worth the effort? Won’t everything just get dirty again? In our opinion, there are certain scenarios that do call for a professional window cleaning in the midst of construction. In other cases, we would simply recommend waiting it all out so that you can get your windows cleaned up all at once instead of paying for a professional to visit over and over again.
When Should You Get Your Windows Cleaned During Construction?
In some cases, we think that it’s worth it to have your windows cleaned up during a construction project going on in or near your property. In other cases, it may be best to wait the project out before getting your windows cleaned.Here’s why we would recommend getting your windows cleaned during a construction or renovation project. Windows have a way of building up and capturing all of the allergens that are spread around in the midst of a construction project. Dust in particular. If you have significant dust-related allergies, we’d recommend that you keep up with getting your windows cleaned during construction. In most cases, commercial buildings have to keep up with window cleaning at a much faster rate than residential properties. In fact, many commercial properties should have their windows cleaned as often as bi-weekly. For commercial properties, we’d recommend keeping up with your regular cleaning schedule in the midst of construction – especially if your building is going to be occupied throughout the renovation project. If you live in a new development or are near to a construction project that you’re expecting to continue all season, we’d recommend that you get your windows cleaned on a semi-regular schedule throughout the duration of the project. If you choose to hire a professional team like Clear Cut Window Cleaning, you’ll find that your windows are more resistant to dirt and dust. While they may become dirty again over time, it’s best to keep the dust buildup at bay.
If your property or any nearby property is undergoing a short-term construction project that doesn’t have much effect on you, employees, or anyone else, then you may be best served to wait and schedule a window cleaning after the project has ended.When you are ready to schedule a window cleaning, make sure you give Clear Cut a call! We’d be happy to serve you or your company!